And off we go! After packing last minutes items and saying final goodbye's we set off for Farragut State Park in Idaho around . Our first planned stop was a rest area to each lunch, however it was closed due to repairs. I hope that doesn't foreshadow the rest of our trip! On the way, we saw a boat that had fallen off of a car into the median of the highway. Traffic was backed up for a while. The boat wasn't even a small one. It was bigger than the truck pulling it. We also saw a white stretch limo--extra extra stretch. However, it wasn't just seeing the actual limo that was unusual. On the back there was a bike rack with a bike attached! After a couple gas stops and lunch in Moses Lake we finally arrived. The park was very beautiful. It was created to be a Naval Training Base for the U.S. Navy. Now the question is, why would the Navy want to train people in the
Hey, Audrey (and Morgan family) :) How wonderful that you set up this blog - it will be so fun to follow along. Glad you've had fair weather. We've been enduring pouring rain up until Sunday morning. Finally the clouds parted and we had sun ... around 6:00pm! I look forward to many more of your posts - you're an excellent blogger! P.S., the Primary misses the Morgan family!