Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 47 - 8/6

This is the last blog post of our entire trip. It's amazing to imagine that we left for Farragut State Park over 6 weeks ago. Today, we woke up extremely early, said our many goodbyes, and headed off for home. The long car ride gave us lots of time to contemplate our whole vacation. Throughout our trip, we've done many things that people dream their entire lives of doing. Here is everybody's favorite moment or memory:
Julia: While she may not be able to tell us a favorite part, she really liked Bear Lake. It was fun for her to  play in the mud and patter around in the little puddles. Of course, yellow sunglasses makes everything better.

Emily: I liked the Hirschi Hideout the best. I liked eating Hershey Kisses and going down the fire pole lots of times. I also liked riding in the trains and four wheelers.
Rachel: I liked the Hirschi Hideout because of the fire pole. I also liked the four wheelers and the trampoline because the four wheelers were fun to ride and the trampoline was fun to jump on. I also liked the Hirschi Hideout because we went to Bear Lake. I also liked it because there were chocolate Kisses.

Lydia: I liked touring the Capitol Building in D.C. because I had the opportunity to learn what is inside the Capitol Building and I got to stand in he middle of Washington D.C. I also got to learn about the different events that happen in each of the many rooms.

Blake: I liked seeing the Declaration of Independence in the National Archives because you see it in a lot of movies and you also hear about it. But then I actually got to see it. Even though it was faded, its meaning has not.
Nathan: I liked seeing Mount Rushmore because you see a lot of pictures of it or variations of it, but it feels different in real life. They also had a good night program there that taught about it.
Audrey: My favorite part was touring the BYU campus. I'm planning on going there, and I was able to familiarize myself with the buildings and names. The Bookstore was also fun to visit and purchase from because I got to save money on shipping and handling. I also enjoyed touring the Fed in New York because it dealt with money and they have a lot of gold.
Mom: I quite liked all of the Revolutionary sites. I liked being on the Lexington Green and the bridge in Concord and the places where Sam Adams and John Adams struggled against the tyranny of Britain. To walk the streets of Boston and to be in Independence Hall was neat to do.
Dad: I enjoyed visiting the site of Washington's Crossing of the Delaware River. It was a turning point for the American cause during the Revolution. The soldiers were willing to go out on Christmas and head off to a battle in which they didn't know the outcome and could lose their lives. I'm grateful for their courage and love of freedom.

Audrey (again): I finally would like to thank Mom and Dad for sacrificing so much time and money to put this trip together. This will be a trip that we will never forget. Our whole family will be forever grateful for the opportunity to grow closer to history, whether it be family, American or church history. We'll also be grateful to grow closer together as a family. The Morgan Heritage Tour will forever live on in our hearts.

Day 46 - 8/5

Today is the penultimate day of our vacation. It's sad to think that our entire trip is almost over. We woke up this morning and headed for church. The combination of all of my family and our relatives filled up 2 pews. In Utah, the youth portion is almost always very big. This ward was no exception. My Sunday School class of 16 year olds had over 13 people. And the Young Women had at least 20 girls. After coming home, we enjoyed a delicious dinner with my other cousins, the Cooks. My cousin Destiny and her husband were also able to come. It was nice to be able spend time with family that I only see once a year.

The kids also spent lots of time with a game they brought up from the Hideout. It's called Stock Ticker. It was made in Canada so half the instructions were in French. The game is all about buying stocks, rolling dice to send the stocks up and down in price (and sometimes paying a dividend), and selling them to make a profit. Everybody enjoyed it so much that they played it at least 5 times. My grandparents also have an electronic piano that can sound like different instruments. It was fun playing Bohemian Rhapsody with a  rock organ and Party Rock Anthem in bagpipe. My sister Julia also had a habit of pushing anyone who was playing the piano off the bench so that she could play with it as well. We also had fun playing with the pinball machine and the air hockey table. Both are very addicting to play, especially when one is good at it.

To end the last night of our vacation, we played a family favorite: Ghosts in the Graveyard. Someone goes and hides, while everyone else doesn't look. Then they go look for the missing person. When they find them, they have to scream, "Ghosts in the Graveyard!" and run back to base. The game can be especially frightening when played in the dark. I also had to say goodbye to Lauren today. I'm grateful for the time I got to spend with her and the friendship we have.

Day 45 - 8/4

Today we left the Hideout for Logan, Utah.  But before we left completely, we still had time to ride the four-wheelers. Behind the Hideout, there is a homemade track with several bumps that four-wheelers can ride on. We had lots of fun zooming down the trail with our hair flying in the wind. We also had fun riding homemade trains. Each train car is made of a plastic water storage tank and a garden hose for lining. They can hook up together and hold many kids eager for a ride. When not on the four-wheelers, we jumped on the trampoline, playing in the tree house, and threw the Frisbee around. We were sad when it was time to go, but we'll always have next year to look forward to.
On the way out, we stopped by to get a couple raspberry shakes. They, of course, were extremely delectable. When we arrived in Logan, the Hirschis were holding the biannual reunion of the Hirschi family. This reunion was special because we also celebrated my great grandpa Hirschi's 100th birthday. His birthday is in October (same day as my birthday!), but since it is summer, a lot of people are celebrating it now. They gave out many prizes such as a princess bowl for the girls and sticky notes for me. They also had a station of about 20 jars of candy where kids could load up on it.
After the reunion, we stopped by Gossners to get some shelf milk and squeaky cheese. Gossners is famous for its dairy products and many flavors of milk. We got some banana, cookies and cream, strawberry, and even two kinds of chocolate milk. They also have samples of their cheese spread and cheese products. We enjoyed tasting everything from salsa cheese spread to Colby jack cheese. After Gossners, we stopped by the Utah State Aggie Ice Cream store to get some ice cream. Even though BYU is still better than Utah State, the ice cream was good. Right before going in, I put on one of my newly acquired BYU shirts. I also saw a couple other guys wearing BYU apparel as well. It was nice for Dad to come and see his alma mater University.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 44 - 8/3

Today Lauren and I traveled from Sandy to Kaysville to meet up with the rest of my family. After packing last minute things, we all left for St. Charles, Idaho, near Bear Lake. Bear Lake is on the border of Idaho and Utah. We traveled to a family favorite, the Hirschi Hideout. My Grandma and Grandpa Morgan and my cousins, the Flakes, also came to the Hideout to spend time with us. The Hideout is a vacation home for all of the Hirschi family and decendants. It's filled with quirky items such as a giant Hershey Syrup bottle and a fire pole that one can slide down from the top floor to the bottom. As you can imagine, a home filled with Hershey paraphernalia and many people can be crazy. But as hectic as it can be, I still love the feeling of the Hideout.

After settling in, we got ready to go to the lake. This year, the lake is higher than it is most years. At first, the water was super cold, but after a while we got used to it. Most of us swam or drifted as far as we could and played in the waves. Recently, we went to a wave pool at a Six Flags water park. However, the waves we played in at Bear Lake were much better than the simulated waves. We would wait for a big one to come and then either jump over it or swim right through it. We also built some sand dams in the little pools of water. Nathan made his own kite out of some string and a plastic bag. Nathan and others also dug many holes in the sand for us in get into.
I love nighttime at the Hideout because there are so many stars out. The moon was bright orange too.  Most of us enjoyed dinner while watching the Summer Olympics. Even though, we only have enough time to stay one night at the Hideout, I'm grateful that I get to spend some time in such a wonderful place.

Day 43 - 8/2

Today we traveled to the great land of Utah! On the way, we passed by Arches National Park. Although we didn't see any arches, the area was still beautiful. We arrived in Provo just outside of the best college to ever exist in the history of humanity, Brigham Young University.  While getting gas at a local Sam's Club, we saw the Y on the mountain. It's a lot bigger than I imagined. We then met my Uncle Brandon and Aunt Heather at the Brick Oven pizza place for a much needed lunch. They are famous for their root beer. There was a sign that had a mug of root beer with the words "Premium Draft" on it. At first I didn't see the "root" part and was shocked a restaurant would even sell beer in Provo. But my confusion was soon dissipated after recognizing what it actually was. They had the best kid's menus I've ever seen. One could color a picture of Cosmo, BYU's mascot, on top of the Cosmoblie. It was nice catching up with my aunt and uncle and playing with their small kids as well.

After saying goodbye to Brandon and Heather, we did something I've waited 16 years to do: tour the BYU campus. We had enough time to see the BYU Bookstore, Student Center, and the Eyring Science Center. I am delighted to learn that a Jamba Juice is located in the Student Center. The Bookstore is now officially one of my favorite places ever. I hadn't bought a single thing our entire trip because I wanted to save my money for BYU. I got a sweatshirt, a couple of T-shirts, and a license plate border to put on my already beautiful car. At the Eyring Science Center, I was able to see the Food Science classrooms and display. I'm looking into majoring in Food Science, so it was cool to see the halls that I might walk in just two years.
We later arrived at my Uncle Mark and Aunt Marni's home. We chatted and watched the Olympics. Later, we got a knock at the door and I was greeted by my great friend Lauren. She moved from Washington to Sandy, Utah, a year ago. I've missed her tons and I was really excited to spend the next few days with her. While the rest of my family went to Kaysville, Lauren and I went to her house and enjoyed being with each other.

Day 42 - 8/1

 We woke up this morning in La Crosse, Kansas. My great-grandparents on my mom's side lived in La Crosse when they retired from farming in nearby McCracken. The town is very small and the park we slept in was nice. In fact, the park was called Grass Park because it's the only place (it seemed) that has grass. We went to different houses and places that were of ancestor significance. We saw the house that my great grandma Swisher lived in. She would keep a beautiful flower garden and grow giant flowers that contrasted with the Kansas atmosphere. We also went to the old farmhouse that they lived in when they kept a farm. Many of these old houses are collapsed or are very unstable. However, it was interesting that we were able to see the house that my ancestors lived in. We also found their burial spot in the La Crosse Cemetery.
The other place we went to was the Nickel Cemetery. We did some more grave rubbings of the Swishers and the Nickels. The Nickels also lived and farmed in Kansas. We had a minor crises when we couldn't find the last piece of special grave stone rubbing paper, but we managed to be creative and make it work out. While doing the grave rubbings, the wind picked up a lot. It was so windy that I could barely see through my hair that was blowing in my face.  I'm glad that we had the opportunity to visit those places and make our own ancestor record. My mom likes to do family history work, so have the grave rubbings are really significant. Many of my ancestors didn't live in Washington so it was nice to be able to visit these places as we go across country and back. Kansas isn't so bad after all.
We finally arrived at my dad's cousin's house near Denver, Colorado. It was her birthday, so we were able to celebrate with her by having a cake. It was nice to be able to rest and relax after traveling all day in Kansas. The area was also serene and peaceful.

Day 41 - 7/31

Today we spent a nice drive through Missouri to La Crosse, Kansas. On the way, we visited some more church history sites. The first place we went to was Adam ondi-Ahman. This beautiful valley is where, revealed by revelation to the prophet Joseph Smith, Adam will come before the Second Coming. There will be a meeting between him and other priesthood leaders. The entire place is very sacred and has a special spirit in it. The entire valley is a lush green farmland leased out to farmers. The location is also very remote and quite peaceful. While there, we met a couple where the man taught at BYU-Idaho and knew my Grandpa Morgan who also taught there. We also met a guy who knew my aunt in Kaysville, Utah.  Small world.

We also stopped and toured Liberty Jail. This is where Joseph Smith was held for about 6 months with his brother Hyrum and some friends. Even thought the original jail has been destroyed, an exact replica based off actual measurements by a church historian is on display for visitors to view. The walls were about four feet thick and the ceiling was low enough that the prisoners couldn't even stand up straight. The jailer would live on the top floor while the prisoners would reside below him. The jail was so secure that to enter the jail, one had to go through two solid doors that lock from the outside. To go to the bottom level, there was an opening in the floor and a knotted rope to climb. During this trying time, Joseph Smith received many comforting revelations and answers. Liberty Jail was a very spiritual place that really helped me appreciate the trials that Joseph Smith and countless others endured so that we may have the fullness of the Gospel.

When we arrived in La Crosse, we went to the public park where people can camp for free. Even though it was hot and the tent smelled like mildew, the place was nice and quiet. It was also good that we didn't encounter any chiggers or other scary bugs!

Day 40 - 7/30

Today we went to Six Flags in Eureka, Missouri. It was the last Six Flags park that we'll go to on our vacation. Even though it's slightly smaller than the ones we went to on the East Coast, it was still loads of fun. Some of the rides we went on was Batman, Screamin' Eagle, and a Scooby Doo ride. Batman was similar to the Batman rides we went on at the other parks, except this one had two little jerks near the end which really made the ride way better. Screamin' Eagle was the first ride we went on. It was a wooden rollercoaster and was a lot faster than I thought it would be. If you sat in the back, it would jerk around quite a bit. My favorite ride of the day was the Scooby Doo Scary Swamp. I liked it mostly because it was Scooby Doo themed, but the exit of the ride was also air conditioned. It was a game played on a free floating raft and players could, with a laser gun, shoot different targets for points. There was a Mystery Machine situated outside the ride. We were able to get a picture with Shaggy, Scrappy, and Scooby.  It was the best moment of the day.

To escape the heat, we also went to the water park. There was a place where people could race each other down a giant waterslide. On the second hill of the waterslide, if you pulled up you could get some air. I told my dad this, but instead of pulling up just a little bit, he pulled hard and sent his whole body flying. He's okay, but it was funny watching it. There was also a tube slide that I convinced Mom to go on. Rachel and Emily also enjoyed the water playground. I also had fun playing with Julia as she was wearing a lifejacket the same size as her body. Meanwhile, the boys and Lydia liked the wave pool. It would simulate waves that people could swim in. We all enjoyed the water park thoroughly.

Day 39 - 7/29

We started today by attending church in Nauvoo. Since so many people who come to Nauvoo also go to church, there was easily at least 600 people there. It seemed like Stake Conference! We then spent the rest of the morning touring some of the buildings. One was the Lucy Mack Smith home. Lucy Mack Smith was Joseph Smith's mother. What makes this brick building so special to our family is that my sixth great grandfather Joseph Bates Noble built the house. Joseph Noble also was Joseph Smith's bodyguard and was one of the pioneers that settled in the Northern Utah area. It was fun to be able to tour a place where a direct ancestor had been.

Another place we enjoyed touring was Jonathan Browning's gun smith shop and home. The guy who gave us the tour played the trombone in the Nauvoo Brass Band, so it was fun to be able to compliment him on the good job they did on Lassus Trombone. The gunsmith tour covered a large area. The man who owned this home and shop was Jonathan Browning.  Browning was a friend of Abraham Lincoln and was famous for inventing guns such as the semi-automatic rifle, and the Colt 45. After inventing a new gun, he would usually sell the patent for it to a large gun manufacturing company. His son, John Moses Browning, also contributed greatly to the gun industry, including the machine gun. We were able to see some of the actual guns he invented and made. We also saw his shop and how he would manufacture a gun. The whole place consisted of his shop, a parlor, some bedrooms and even an entire cabin for his kids to sleep in. The Brownings moved with the Saints to the west as pioneers. Nathan liked seeing the guns because he used some of the same models for Scouting and shootouts.

Probably the highlight of our day was seeing the Nauvoo Temple. The original temple had to be abandoned as the Saints left for Utah because of persecution. The temple was destroyed by storms, earthquakes, and lightning. In 2002, the new Nauvoo Temple was built and dedicated. The design is practically the same and is on the same location. We got to look around the gardens and take some pictures. It was very peaceful and the spirit was strong.