Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 44 - 8/3

Today Lauren and I traveled from Sandy to Kaysville to meet up with the rest of my family. After packing last minute things, we all left for St. Charles, Idaho, near Bear Lake. Bear Lake is on the border of Idaho and Utah. We traveled to a family favorite, the Hirschi Hideout. My Grandma and Grandpa Morgan and my cousins, the Flakes, also came to the Hideout to spend time with us. The Hideout is a vacation home for all of the Hirschi family and decendants. It's filled with quirky items such as a giant Hershey Syrup bottle and a fire pole that one can slide down from the top floor to the bottom. As you can imagine, a home filled with Hershey paraphernalia and many people can be crazy. But as hectic as it can be, I still love the feeling of the Hideout.

After settling in, we got ready to go to the lake. This year, the lake is higher than it is most years. At first, the water was super cold, but after a while we got used to it. Most of us swam or drifted as far as we could and played in the waves. Recently, we went to a wave pool at a Six Flags water park. However, the waves we played in at Bear Lake were much better than the simulated waves. We would wait for a big one to come and then either jump over it or swim right through it. We also built some sand dams in the little pools of water. Nathan made his own kite out of some string and a plastic bag. Nathan and others also dug many holes in the sand for us in get into.
I love nighttime at the Hideout because there are so many stars out. The moon was bright orange too.  Most of us enjoyed dinner while watching the Summer Olympics. Even though, we only have enough time to stay one night at the Hideout, I'm grateful that I get to spend some time in such a wonderful place.

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