Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 47 - 8/6

This is the last blog post of our entire trip. It's amazing to imagine that we left for Farragut State Park over 6 weeks ago. Today, we woke up extremely early, said our many goodbyes, and headed off for home. The long car ride gave us lots of time to contemplate our whole vacation. Throughout our trip, we've done many things that people dream their entire lives of doing. Here is everybody's favorite moment or memory:
Julia: While she may not be able to tell us a favorite part, she really liked Bear Lake. It was fun for her to  play in the mud and patter around in the little puddles. Of course, yellow sunglasses makes everything better.

Emily: I liked the Hirschi Hideout the best. I liked eating Hershey Kisses and going down the fire pole lots of times. I also liked riding in the trains and four wheelers.
Rachel: I liked the Hirschi Hideout because of the fire pole. I also liked the four wheelers and the trampoline because the four wheelers were fun to ride and the trampoline was fun to jump on. I also liked the Hirschi Hideout because we went to Bear Lake. I also liked it because there were chocolate Kisses.

Lydia: I liked touring the Capitol Building in D.C. because I had the opportunity to learn what is inside the Capitol Building and I got to stand in he middle of Washington D.C. I also got to learn about the different events that happen in each of the many rooms.

Blake: I liked seeing the Declaration of Independence in the National Archives because you see it in a lot of movies and you also hear about it. But then I actually got to see it. Even though it was faded, its meaning has not.
Nathan: I liked seeing Mount Rushmore because you see a lot of pictures of it or variations of it, but it feels different in real life. They also had a good night program there that taught about it.
Audrey: My favorite part was touring the BYU campus. I'm planning on going there, and I was able to familiarize myself with the buildings and names. The Bookstore was also fun to visit and purchase from because I got to save money on shipping and handling. I also enjoyed touring the Fed in New York because it dealt with money and they have a lot of gold.
Mom: I quite liked all of the Revolutionary sites. I liked being on the Lexington Green and the bridge in Concord and the places where Sam Adams and John Adams struggled against the tyranny of Britain. To walk the streets of Boston and to be in Independence Hall was neat to do.
Dad: I enjoyed visiting the site of Washington's Crossing of the Delaware River. It was a turning point for the American cause during the Revolution. The soldiers were willing to go out on Christmas and head off to a battle in which they didn't know the outcome and could lose their lives. I'm grateful for their courage and love of freedom.

Audrey (again): I finally would like to thank Mom and Dad for sacrificing so much time and money to put this trip together. This will be a trip that we will never forget. Our whole family will be forever grateful for the opportunity to grow closer to history, whether it be family, American or church history. We'll also be grateful to grow closer together as a family. The Morgan Heritage Tour will forever live on in our hearts.

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