Day 22 - 7/12
Today we
spent our time in Independence National Park. There we saw many
historical buildings that were part of the founding of our
nation. We saw the Pennsylvania State House, or Independence Hall as it is more
commonly called. This was the place where the founders signed the U.S.
Constitution we still adhere to today. Many people think the process of
drafting and implementing the Constitution was relatively easy. However, this
idea is far from the actual events. The states had to compromise
on many issues such as slavery, representation of the people and taxes. In
fact, Madison, who organized the convention of the colonies, knew that he
needed George Washington's presence to gather the delegates. Many of the men
had great respect for Washington. This is also where the Liberty Bell is
located. After playing Sousa's The
Liberty Bell March in band, it was fun to see the actual bell.

For a time,
Philadelphia also served as the nation's capital. We saw the rooms where the
Senate and House of Representatives would meet. It was a lot less grandiose
than the building they use today. Although, it was the site of where John Adams
was sworn in as the second president. We also saw a tunnel and post office that
Benjamin Franklin used. The post office is still in use today, so we sent a
couple postcards for fun. We also saw a printing press where Park Rangers would
show how it was used. They also made copies of the Constitution with the same
typeset that was used when the Constitution was first printed.
We also
saw the American Philosophy Society museum. This group was started by Franklin
and had many objects that related to a theme of flight and dream. At first, the
museum didn't make any sense at all, but after studying the explanations, I
began to understand the gist. One of the objects was a prediction of the
movement of Venus in the year 2004 and 2012. The book was written in the
1800's, but it was fun to see how they correctly showed how Venus would cross
us. We also saw a portrait gallery of many significant figures ranging from
Washington to Horatio Gates. Most of the paintings were by Charles Wilson Peale. They
were excellent examples of American Portrait painting.
As a special
treat, for dinner we went to Cosmi's deli and got some Philly Cheese steaks.
When we unwrapped them, I was thrilled. The cheese was throughout integrated
within the chopped steak. There was a lot more meat than what I was expecting.
The first bite was absolutely perfect. After seeing many people on Food Network
eat them and then rave about its taste, I knew I needed to try one as well. I'm
glad I can now cross another item off my food bucket list.
Delicious food is one of the best reasons to travel! I am so excited to experience so much of US history through your blog!