Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 25 - 7/15

We started off today going to church in Eastern Virginia. After church, we went to the National Zoo near Washington D.C.  This zoo is one of the few  to have Pandas. They were extremely cute. We saw them sleep, walk around and even eat fresh bamboo. I probably won't have another opportunity to see a panda again in my life so I'm grateful for the opportunity to do so. In addition to seeing pandas, we also saw some Asian Elephants. African Elephants are more plentiful than Asian, so again, this was a special opportunity to see them. I guess we came at a lucky time because we got to see both ends of the digestion process at the same time! To escape the extreme, crazy heat, we went into the small mammal exhibit. Some of the animals we saw were naked mole rats, squirrels and porcupines. We also saw a couple lions play with each other and roar. It wasn't exactly like the MGM lion, but it was interesting to hear an actual lion in real life.

After seeing the zoo, we decided to skip the heat and have lunch. We went to the Washington D.C. Temple Visitor's Center. The temple is a place where sacred ordinances are preformed. The visitor's center was nice to look around and enjoy the air conditioning. It was good to go to a place where one can escape the commotion of the world and enjoy a peaceful Sunday.

We also went to the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space. There they had a special exhibit featuring the space shuttle Discovery. It was interesting to see all of the heat tiles and patch work on the outside. It really shows how the scientist weren't going for pretty, but rather functionality. Dad had a fun time observing everything about it. Meanwhile, the girls were more interested in the space food that the astronauts would use. Julia also had a fun time running around looking at all of the planes in the exhibit.

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