Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 35 - 7/25

Today we traveled through four different states: Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland. Although we spent most of today in the car, we stopped by to visit Morgantown, West Virginia. My 7th great grandfather, Morgan Morgan (yes that's really his name) immigrated in the early 1700's from Wales. He was instrumental in building the first road and church in West Virginia. He also became a Colonel in the British army. His son David fought with George Washington in the French and Indian War. In fact, he was in the battle where Braddock, the leading general, was killed by the Indians. Washington saw this and took command and led the men to safety while bullets were flying through his jacket. It's so cool to know that I have a ancestor who not only knew Washington, but served with him. David also served in the Revolutionary War and fought against the Indians. In fact, there is a story he recounted later of him having a dream that Indians were throwing tomahawks at his two little children. He woke up with a start and rushed outside to see Indians approaching his kids. He quickly put them in the house and as he was getting inside himself, an Indian threw a tomahawk at the back of his head. To protect himself, David put his hand up and got his fingers chopped. However by doing this, he saved his life.

David's brother Zackquill, my 6th great grandfather, founded Morgantown and was a Colonel just like Morgan his father. We were able to visit his home in nearby Bunker Hill, West Virginia. There, we went to the cemetery where Morgan Morgan and his wife, Catherine Garrison, are buried and did some grave rubbings of the tombstones. Blake said he liked visiting the cemetery because "you could see how old they were." Oddly enough, this Morgan line is through my mom and not Dad. My dad's ancestors came from Wales in the 1800's as pioneers. I'm glad that I got to see sites that are not only significant to our history, but our family as well.

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