Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 37 - 7/27

Today we traveled on the road for a long time in the morning. By the afternoon we arrived at Carthage, Illinois. We went to the Carthage Jail where Joseph Smith, the prophet, was martyred. Joseph Smith restored the Gospel and gathered many of the Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois, which was situated near the Mississippi River. The people there had been relentlessly persecuted and Joseph was brought to jail and court many times based on false charges. This time, Joseph along with his brother Hyrum and friends John Taylor and Willard Richards were put in Carthage Jail. Just past 5:00 pm, the jail was invaded by over 100 men who blackened their face to hide their identity. They shot and killed Hyrum and Joseph and injured John Taylor. Willard Richards and John Taylor were able to return back to Nauvoo safely and testify of the occurrence and the greatness of the true prophet Joseph Smith. His actions and leadership brought to pass a new dispensation that has blessed millions of people and more to come. As William Phelps wrote in his hymn, Praise to the Man, "Death cannot conquer the Hero again."
Shortly after seeing Carthage Jail, we drove a bit further to Nauvoo and settled in our hotel.  We toured around Nauvoo a bit to view some their evening programs. Many of the people who run and star in programs at Nauvoo are missionaries. The first one we saw was called Sunset on the Mississippi. This show involved many skits and short tunes. The Nauvoo Brass Band played some numbers and even featured the trombone section. They played a song titled Lassus Trombone. This was especially fun to listen to because I played the same song in band this year in our end of the year concert. I was amazed at the singing and choreography that the missionaries had. Of course, this is a special mission that one is called for, but the show was very excellent. The kids even got to march in a parade with their own homemade hats!
After that program we went to one called Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo. The actors were mainly the older couples and they put on a good show. It was about events that took place in the lives of the people in Nauvoo. While humorous and entertaining, the spiritual messages were also enjoyable as well. So far, Nauvoo has been one of my favorite places on this entire trip and I'm sure it always will be!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this entry. There's nothing quite like a church pageant. The two I look forward too are Hill Cumorah and Nauvoo. When I read your account I want to be there.
